Den folgenden Post präsentiert euch Cliff von den Mystery Bastards:
Ort: Externsteine
Lage: Horn-Bad Meinberg, Nordrhein Westfahlen, Deutschland
Art: Kultstätte (natürlichen Ursprungs)
Warum dieser Ort gruselig ist:
Abgesehen von den politischen und sartanistischen Ritualen sind die Externsteine ein sehr spannendes Stück Geologie. seit die Menschheit diesen Ort erschlossen hat, wurden die Felsformationen auf verschiedenste Art und Weise genutzt. Hier sind ein paar spannende Beispiele:
- Die von Menschenhand gefertigten Grotten
- Das Kreuzabnahmerelief
- Das misteriöse Felsengrab mit Kuppel
In this post, i want to share some scary and famous places I used to visit.
The following is presented by Cliff from the Mystery Bastards:
Hi everyone! My name is Cliff Blugy and I am a part of the Mystery Bastards... As a ghost hunter
you have to visit some places with a very interesting history. This time I want to show you the Externsteine in Germany. This place is also known as the "Stonehenge" of Germany (I think).
Like Stonehenge the Externsteine have a very moving history and they are a famous cult place for satanic rituals. The main difference between the "rocky cult places" is that the Externsteine are a proven product of nature.
Place: Externsteine
Location: Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany
Type: cult place (natural)
Why is this place scary:
Apart from the political and satanic rituals the Externsteine are a very interesting piece of geology. Since humanity found this beautiful place, they used it in many different ways. Here are some interesting points from the Externsteine:
- Human made grottos
- monomental rock relief showing The "Descent from the cross" scene
- the rock grave